Fixit WordPress Theme

Fixit Computer Repair WordPress theme is highly designed for computer repair shops and for the user those who want to open their own computer repair shop. This theme will play a vital role. The homepage of the theme contain the proper content format with attractive images. All the menus are placed properly.
The header of the theme is properly designed with call to action with proper phone number which is visible to user. Icons related to the main services are shown on the homepage. The slider is placed explaining the services properly with images
The contact page is included in the site with telephone number and all the links are shown properly. Big phone number should be displayed on the top of the site.
About us section will show the details about the company and member of the team. Mission and vision for the company can also be included.
Services section of the theme will give the details about the services provided by the company to the user which will help the user to choose the service according to their requirement after visiting the site.
Theme Features
- All of our themes are under GPL license.( )
- Modern, Flexible, Multi-purpose!
- Beautiful and elegant design.
- Compatible with the latest version of WordPress.
- W3C validate code and well commented code.
- Cross browser compatible like IE9, IE10, IE11, Chrome, Firefox, Opera.
- SEO friendly.
- Responsive layout.
- Well sanitized as per WordPress standards.
- Compatible with plugin like woocommerce and contact form 7.
Need Help?
- After purchase of theme you can click on support center to get support for the theme
- For any customization needs you can mail us to and request the customization features (Paid)
- For sales related queries you can mail us to and contact us