Secure WordPress Theme

Buy this theme for $39
Secure is a security WordPress theme dedicated for security services, CCTV shops, bodyguards and other similar security kind of business. If you offer security services or owns a shops having security-related products then this theme will be the best for you. The best part of secure theme is it has comes with the numbers of sections in homepage where you can showcase your work and make a great impression to your users. This theme has numbers of theme options so you can change the colors, font, the slider image and widgets as per your requirement. This theme is very flexible is easy to use for non-coders too. It’s a fully functional and responsive theme can perform nicely on all the devices. Since this theme is made of the latest WordPress standards it compatible with the latest version of WordPress and some popular plugin like wocommerce and contact form 7.
Secure WordPress theme comes with many page templates for pages and blog so it can give you the flexibility to make you pages or blog layout as per your need.
The header of the theme is properly designed with call to action with proper phone number which is visible to user. Icons related to the main services are shown on the homepage. The slider is placed explaining the services properly with images
Services section of the theme will give the details about the services provided by the company to the user which will help the user to choose the service according to their requirement after visiting the site.
Social media plays a very important role for the local business. So the social icon is also put on the site so it can also be share on the social site through the social icon to attract the user.
The blog section of the theme is implemented so latest post related to blog or articles can be updated of the organization and the traffic of the website can maintain.
This theme has homepage sections provide you to add title, background colors and content. It also has feature to show or hide any section.
Creative WordPress theme comes with the multiple page templates so you can make your inner page looks more attractive.
Theme Features of Security WordPress theme
- This theme is operable in any mobile devices and responsive.
- Available with multiple layouts.
- One-Click demo install.
- Comes with 600+ Google Fonts.
- Colors of fonts can be change easily as per user style
- Theme included with standard pages like services, gallery pages, about us etc are included.
- Color picker is use to change the color.
- Compatible with the latest version of WordPress.
- Slider options are included with effective features.
- Compatible with short codes plug- ins and page builder plug-ins available.
- Cross browser compatible like IE9, IE10, IE11, Chrome, Firefox, Opera.
- Site can be written with different languages.
- Further the different font based icons (more than 600) are added which helps in changes of color and size.
- Fully responsive and Google mobile friendly test passed theme
- Compatible Contact form 7
- Woocommerce plugins support
- No one require extra technical knowledge to design the website.
- Easy to manage theme options in Option Panel.
- Multiple widgetized areas
- Complete localization so you can translate theme easily.
- Well sanitized as per WordPress standards.
- Documentation is provide with the theme which is under stable by the user.
- It is can also be use for SMO so it is design in such a way that it is friendly with SMO because now a day’s social media has become very part of society so sharing on social media increase the value of the site.
- The homepage of the theme consists of the various menus so by clicking on that the user can navigate to other sections of the site.
Need Help?
- After purchase of theme you can click on support center to get support for the theme
- For any customization needs you can mail us to and request the customization features (Paid)
- For sales related queries you can mail us to and contact us